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Learn to make natural soap at home!
Get everything you need to know about making custom, natural, handcrafted soap in our FREE Basic Cold Process Soapmaking Guide. Enter your email below to get your PDF guide.
Let me guess, you’re here on this page because you want to make your own natural handcrafted soap … or perhaps you’re curious why so many people are moving from store-bought soap to natural alternatives.
Back in 2008, I made my first batch of soap. I had been battling ultra-troubled skin perpetually irritated by nasty synthetic body washes. I tried some soap from the health food store and was amazed that it immediately helped my skin issues. The downside to using that soap was the cost!
After researching, I realized I could make natural soap myself, heal my irritated skin, and save money in the process!
I read a few books, got up the courage to work with lye, and made that first batch of soap. With my goggles and gloves in place, I measured out my soapmaking ingredients and stirred … and stirred … for over an hour! I finally poured the soap into my mold … only to wake up the next morning to an oozing, squishy mess. I was disappointed but unwilling to give up!
It turns out that my recipe was horribly off balance; my procedure and techniques were chaotic and outdated. I simply didn’t have enough knowledge to make a successful batch of soap. Gratefully, I’ve learned a lot since 2008.