I am a freelance writer specializing in soapmaking and bath & body articles, tutorials and recipes. I have extensive experience in writing online teaching libraries for major suppliers, contributing articles to industry publications and writing quality blog posts. I can ghost write for you so your content appears to be your content!
For the soapmaking supplier – Do you want to educate your customers on how to use your products? I can write articles for your learning center that include creative projects, recipes and detailed instructions.
For the blog owner – Are you looking for a contributing author to write articles for your natural beauty care blog? I can write creative DIY articles providing you with quality key-word rich content.
For the soapmaker – Do you need help writing a bio, ingredients page, FAQ’s page, product descriptions or other website content? Contact me to see how I can help you create quality content for your website.
Rates range from $75-$250 per article with discounts being given for multiple article contracts.
Contact me for more info about my writing services! [email protected]
My experience:
Handmade Magazine – I am currently a cold process soap contributing monthly writer for Handmade Magazine. Each month I provide an article based on an assigned topic, which includes an image of the finished project, detailed ingredients list, equipment needed and step-by-step directions.
Soap Collaborative Magazine – I am editor and a monthly contributing author of Soap Collaborative Magazine. Articles range from soapmaking to bath & body to business topics.
Ghost Writing Experience – I have authored articles for a major supplier’s online learning library. I can not publicly disclose who I’ve ghost written for on this web page. Please contact me to see samples and talk about past projects.
CandleAndSoap.About.com – I am a guest blogger on David Fisher’s site at About.com.
SoapQueen.com – I have contributed guest post articles on Soap Queen Blog.
Saponifier Magazine – I have been a contributor to Saponifier Magazine, providing quality soap design articles.