Lemon Buttermilk Soap – Layers and Charcoal Line

This soap uses buttermilk powder. Buttermilk gives a soap a [...]

Kefir and Carrot Cold Process Soap – With Piping on Top

Making soap with kefir, is just like making soap with [...]

New Book – Ultimate Goat Milk Soap Making Guide + Goat Milk Soap Recipe Book (eBook Bundle)

I've just completed two new eBooks that I'm offering as [...]

Goat Milk Soap Recipes Roundup + More Milk Soap Recipes

Here is a list of some of my favorite goat [...]

The Classic Oatmeal, Goat’s Milk and Honey Cold Process Soap – Milk in Oil Method

Oatmeal, Milk and Honey is a classic soap to make. [...]

How to make Goats Milk Soap Using Farm Fresh Goat’s Milk

Goats milk soap is a very popular soap to make. [...]

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