I kicked off the seminar with a basic soapmaking demo. We had a handful of people who hadn’t made soap before! I pulled one of them up to the front with me to have a go at it! She did great!

Next up was Cha with Bubble Bee Soap who talked about Successful Soap Sales. Her main message was to not undervalue yourself and to be sure you are charging for not only your supplies but for your time.

One of my favorite demos was Sylett Strickland teaching us about hot process. She did a hot process soap in the crockpot for her demo but showed us a video of oven hot process which is her usual method.

Kris Hockey was up next with a talk on facial masks. She actually brought everyone a little kit to make our own! Kris is also a talented woodworker and made a mold for a door prize and also made wooden letter openers and pens as speaker gifts! Thank you, Kris!

Next up was Tracy Dusek. She talked about milk soaps.

Soap felting with Bobbie O’Brien was next. She makes felting soap look so easy! She brought kits for those that wanted to felt along!

And then I was up again to show how to do the peacock swirl!

A big thank you to Holly Port of Lotion Bar Cafe for coming out to Texas and helping out!  We had a blast soaping it up in our hotel room also.  Check out some more pics here and videos herehere…and here.

Another HUGE thank you to Elin and Star who organize this event.  Be sure to keep an eye on the website for next year’s seminar!
