I love it when people get together over a common topic. Creating a local soap making meetup group in your area could be a lot of fun!

Benjamin and I attended a local meeting for soap makers around Liberty and Richmond, MO hosted by Shonna of Red Shed Soap Company. She had noticed the burst of soap makers in her area and wanted to organize the group to get together for beneficial group doings – such as supply co-ops, swaps, education and general comradery. We met at a local winery on the patio and had a blast! I think this group is going to be very successful and fun to be a part of.


When I lived in the Dallas area, we had an amazing group going at different times. We would meet up and have activities ranging from eating/drinking (our main activity), supply co-ops, charity work, learning new soap techniques and more! I miss my soap making friends from the Dallas area. We had so much fun. There isn’t anything better than talking to someone who understands and doesn’t give you a blank look when you talk about soap for the hundredth time. My soaping sisters in Dallas got me.

Benefits of Starting a Local Soap Making Meetup

Supply Co-ops

Ordering in bulk reduces pricing, including shipping costs! In Dallas we would get together and order oils and butters in bulk, lye in bulk and even essential oils. All of the soap makers in your area are probably using the same basic ingredients. By coming together to purchase in bulk you could save some serious dough.


Your group will probably be of different levels of experience. Coming together to learn new techniques or soap designs can be a ton of fun! See if anyone in your group would like to demo a new technique during a meeting. Educating others in your area on proper labeling, GMP and things like that can benefit the soap industry in your area as a whole. Be open to sharing and learning together as a group and you’ll be sure to all benefit.

Charity Work

One of my favorite things that a few soapmakers and myself did in Dallas was to make soap for a local shelter. We got together and made several loaves to cut up and send to a shelter. It was a lot of fun! And it felt good. Adding a charity aspect to your group is also a great way to get publicity. You could post about it on your FB business page and even call the local paper to get a story write-up. You know the biker groups that get together and do good deeds? I’d like to see more soapmaking groups doing good in their community!

How do you find soap makers in your area?

Local shows, farmers markets, craft fairs – Carry cards with you when you attend local shows. Go up to soap makers and introduce yourself and let them know about your local meetup group.

Post in Facebook groups – If you are a member of bigger FB groups, post in them that you are putting together a local group and invite them to join the local FB group.

Do you have a local group that gets together? Please post in the comments your area (State/City) and Facebook group link if you have one.

