I’ve decided to go palm free so need to figure out a good swirling recipe to use that doesn’t contain palm oil.  Tonite I tried out a recipe and worked really well.  It gave me plenty of time to color each individual color and get the swirling done. 

The recipe I used was:

Palm Free Swirling Recipe:
Olive oil – 18 oz
Coconut oil – 10 oz
Shea butter – 4 oz
Water – 9 oz
Lye – 4.5 oz

I always do a bit of a water discount especially with recipes high in olive oil because I don’t want to wait forever for the soap to set up to be unmolded and cut. 

Melted oils ready for the lye solution

Colors ready to go in individual cups

I just did a sort of free form swirl. As you can see I just poured the soap randomly.

And then I took a spoon handle and swirled. I muddied it up a bit…but it turned out okay.

This recipe worked well. The shea butter sped things up a bit but I still had time to swirl. I think tonite I’m going to just try a olive, coconut and something…maybe avocado, sweet almond or apricot kernel.
